Google Data Feed Errors

Google Data Feed Errors

Do not get flagged, kicked off or rejected from your Google data feed.  Make sure you follow the suggestions below to avoid this sort of trouble.

Always make sure to monitor your Google Merchant account. Here you can find an in-depth breakdown of data feed errors and how to fix them. Any critical errors here have the potential to have some or all of the products in your data feed disapproved or rejected.  Suggested Optimizations, which are also noted on this page, refer to changes Google suggests you make, but won't affect your data feed processing.

It is important to note that Google doesn't list all of the products with each error on this page, just 3-5 examples per each error. It is likely more products have the same error, so be sure to check the whole feed.

Google’s Data Feed Specifications

Google data feeds have very precise requirements.  The necessary data, and how it is formatted, needs to adhere to Google’s specifications.  What your Google data feed contains and what it looks like are major determinates in why your products may be rejected. 

If you sell unique items (antiques, bundled products), or products in specific categories (clothing), your data feed has different guidelines it needs to follow.

Google has a list of restricted products that do not follow Google’s policies.  It includes things like illegal drugs, guns and supplements with banned ingredients.  Keep in mind, Google may not know a “toy gun” is not a gun. 

Once you've corrected your mistake and re-uploaded your data feed, make sure to let Google know.  Google allows one week to correct any feed violations, but Google is also notorious for suspect support.

If you're troubleshooting an issue with Google customer support or trying to get your feed live, be persistent and courteous with support.

Helpful Resources

Data Feed Specifications

Policies for used and refurbished items  

Restricted Products on Google Shopping

Account Warnings and Suspensions

Four Introductory Steps to Take

Troubleshoot Data Feed

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