Back In Stock Wizard: Exporting Data

Back In Stock Wizard allows you to export your subscription data for use offline, or for your own reporting needs.

To create a new export file, go to Settings > Export

Click on Create New Export.

A CSV file will automatically be generated and downloaded. The export file will include one line for each subscription a customer is signed up for. Data exported includes:

  • product_id - The Product ID assigned to the item by BigCommerce, this is not your item's SKU.
  • email - The email address of the subscriber.
  • sku - Your item's SKU.
  • option_sku - Your item's variant SKU.
  • product_name - The name of the product.
  • created_at - The date and time the subscription was created.

Back In Stock wizard will save your last ten export files which will appear on the Export Data screen for access at a later date.

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