Bulk Coupon Creator Setup & Use Guide

This guide is for users who installed the Bulk Coupon Creator via the BigCommerce App Store and may contain screenshots and instructions which vary if you're accessing and using it via Your Store Tools. Instructions for that version can be found here.


This tool allows you to create,, and export coupons in bulk for existing promotions as well as view the status of your existing promotions.

To use the tool, you must first create a coupon promotion in BigCommerce.

Article Contents

This support article contains several sections which can be accessed quickly by clicking the appropriate link below:

View Existing Promotion Details

From the Bulk Coupon Creator dashboard, use the stacked menu next to the promotion you want to view details for and select View Promotion Details:

The details screen will show:

  • Name of the promotion as it is set in BigCommerce
  • Whether the promotion is ENABLED or DISABLED
  • Type of redemption, such as COUPON
  • Maximum number of uses set for the coupon
  • Number of times the coupon has been used so far
  • Coupon start and end dates

Create Coupon Codes in Bulk via Wizard

From the Bulk Coupon Creator dashboard, use the stacked menu next to the promotion you want to create coupons for and select Create Coupons:

If you have multiple storefronts, choose the storefront you want to create the coupon codes for from the drop-down, then choose Create via Wizard:

The wizard will ask you to set:

  • Coupon Length – a numerical value between 3 and 20
  • Number of Coupons to Generate – a numerical value between 1 and 500,000
  • Coupon Prefix – allows you to set an optional set of characters to prepend to your coupon code such as “VIP” or “JULY.”
  • Coupon Suffix – allows you to set an optional set of characters to append to your coupon code such as “THANKS” or “2023.”
  • Character Set – allows you to set the formatting and character sets for the coupon code such as:
    • Allowing or disallowing upper and lower case letters
    • Allowing or disallowing numerical digits
    • Allowing or disallowing symbols
  • Coupon Delimiter – allows you to set a delimiter that will separate elements of the code such as a “-” or a “|.”
  • Coupon Split Length – allows you to set the number of characters where the code will be split by the delimiter. For example, if you have a 16-digit coupon code, you can set the length to 4 so the code would be split such as “1234-5678-9012-3456.”
  • Max Uses Per Code – the maximum number of times the coupon code can be used. This should be a numerical value between 1 and 10,000.
  • Max Uses Per Customer – the maximum number of times the coupon code can be used by a single customer. This should be a numerical value between 1 and 1000.

Once your formatting has been set, a sample of the coupon code will be shown in the example box at the bottom of the screen.

Once you have verified the coupon details are correct, click Next.

By default, we will email you when the process is complete.  If you choose to receive this notification, verify your email address is correct before clicking Submit. A notification will also appear in the notification center.

Create Coupon Codes in Bulk via Import

From the Bulk Coupon Creator dashboard, use the stacked menu next to the promotion you want to create coupons for and select Create Coupons:

If you have multiple storefronts, choose the storefront you want to create the coupon codes for from the drop-down, then choose Import from File:

Your CSV file should contain a header row with the following fields:

  • Coupon Code – the pre-generated coupon code
  • Max Uses Per Code – the maximum number of times the coupon code can be used. This should be a numerical value between 1 and 1000.
  • Max Uses Per Customer – the maximum number of times the coupon code can be used by a single customer. This should be a numerical value between 1 and 1000.

Once your file is uploaded, click Next to map your fields:

Click Next.

By default, we will email you when the process is complete.  If you choose to receive this notification, verify your email address is correct before clicking Submit. A notification will also appear in the notification center.

Export Bulk Coupon Codes

From the Bulk Coupon Creator dashboard, use the stacked menu next to the promotion you want to export coupon codes for and select Export All Coupons:

Enter the email address you'd like the file sent to along with the date and file format, and click on Submit.

Depending on the number of coupon codes you’re exporting, the process may take a while to complete.

When complete, the file will be emailed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many coupons can I create at a time?

The Bulk Coupon Creator will allow you to create up to 500,000 coupons at once using the wizard.

If I’m generating 5,000 codes for a promotion that already has 5,000 codes, is there a chance the tool will create duplicate coupon codes?

No. During the coupon creation process, we run a check of existing coupon codes in the promotion to ensure that no duplicates are created.

Why can’t I view the coupon codes in my store?

When coupons are created in bulk, the latest version of BigCommerce Promotions does not allow you to view individual coupon codes in the store.

How long does it take to create a bunch of bulk coupons?

The Bulk Coupon Creator is subject to rate limits imposed by BigCommerce, depending on how many coupons you’re creating, it can take several minutes to complete. We suggest selecting the option to be notified by email when the job is completed. You can also check the status on the tool tile or look for a notification in the notification center.

Can I use the same coupon codes in more than one promotion?

No. If during the process of creating coupon codes, the Bulk Coupon Creator finds a code that was previously used in a different promotion, it will not create a code. We encourage you to use a unique prefix or suffix when creating codes to prevent this. In the event a duplicate is discovered, the number of coupon codes created will be short by the amount of duplicates.

I tried to create 300,000 coupons, but only 299,990 were created. Why?

If there are errors during the creation process, you’ll receive an email and/or notification with a file to download showing the errors. The most common error is a time-out error where BigCommerce temporarily becomes unresponsive to an API request. When time-outs occur, our tool will continue with the job but will not re-attempt the requests that timed out which would account for the discrepancy.

Why did it take a few minutes for my export file to be generated?

If you’re exporting a large number of coupon codes, it may take a minute or two for the export to complete based on server load and resources.

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