How do I set my tax & shipping settings in my Google Merchant Center?

You can set your tax & shipping settings in your Google Merchant Center by following the steps below:

1. Sign into your Google merchant account at

2. Under the left navigation area on the page, click on "Settings".

3. Click on "Tax and shipping"- there are several settings you can choose from.

4. Choose the settings that apply for both (you will see a couple of options).

*Shipping Information.
Since Yahoo does not export this information, you must set it in your Google Merchant Account on the 'account level'.

*Tax Information.
Since this information is RARELY available in a Yahoo store, you MUST set it in your Google Merchant Account on the 'account level'. You have 3 choices and will need to decide which you want to choose, either not charge any tax, set taxes by state, or set taxes by zip code. Either of the 3 is fine, you just need to choose one.

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